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CLICK TO GO TO WEBSITE UPDATE HISTORY FOR 2004 30 December 2003 Added NZ Listener Best of 2003 mentions of Michael and Jennifer to the kudos article on the homepage; counter at 7146. 16 December 2003 Revised homepage, adding Best of 2003 article from NZ Herald (for Hamlet); moved laureate picture from homepage to Laureate Award acceptance speech page; put Hamlet picture (Malmo, B25) on homepage; counter at 6736. 3 December 2003 Changes to homepage: Removed part of laureate description; changed Treasure Island description (added link to press release); added Metro "Energizer Bunny" award description; removed Hamlet and Aladdin article from homepage; counter at 6402. 26 November 2003 Corrected date for Waiting for Godot; rearranged Recent Projects page; counter at 6232. 25 November 2003 Changed laureate picture on homepage; counter at 6211. 24 November 2003 Added link from Crime Story/Fracture page to September 2003 article about the film on NZ Film Commission website; counter at 6185. 23 November 2003 Changed By Thunder to past tense, removed it from the homepage, and moved it to completed projects on the Jennifer index page; put Treasure Island Kids on the homepage; counter at 6155. 19 November 2003 Added Threepenny Opera to Future Projects page; counter at 6058. 12 November 2003 Added NZ Herald article on Jennifer's By Thunder; counter at 5933. 9 November 2003 Added info about the movies and play Michael is directing to Future Projects page; counter at 5816. 5 November 2003 Added Goldie to Future Projects page; added The Talented Mr. Ripley and The Bach to Jennifer index page; counter at 5664. 2 November 2003 Added picture of Michael with Laureate Award to homepage and close-up from same pic on Laureate Award acceptance speech page; counter at 5426. 31 October 2003 Added description of Laureate Award to Laureate Award acceptance speech page and teasers from the description and from Michael's speech to the homepage; counter at 5248. 30 October 2003 More pictures added to Cult TV page; Michael's Laureate Award announced on homepage (WHOO HOO!); Laureate Award acceptance speech page added; NZ Herald Arts Laureate article page added, article excerpted on homepage ; counter at 5183. 29 October 2003 Added link to jenniferwardlealand.com to Jennifer index page; counter at 5111. 27 October 2003 Cult TV page created and first pictures posted (more to come); counter at 4920. 26 October 2003 Removed Soundscapes from Future Projects and homepage and added it to Recent Projects; added Cult TV to Recent Projects ; added By Thunder, Marlene in Hamilton, and Christmas in the Park to Jennifer index page; created By Thunder, Christmas in the Park, and Marlene in Hamilton pages; counter at 4911. 21 October 2003 Added Honey to Recent Projects; added movies and Measure for Measure to Future Projects; still need to create Cult TV page; counter at 4826. 20 October 2003 Added Aladdin to Recent Projects; added Soundscapes to homepage and Future Projects page; added pic to Aladdin page; counter at 4786. 19 October 2003 Took Aladdin, the Bach, and Marlene off the homepage; put CultTV award on homepage; created Aladdin page; changed The Bach to past tense; need to create Cult TV page and do other updating; counter at 4698. 21 September 2003 Changed Aladdin and Marlene to present tense on homepage; created Aladdin reviews page and put review excerpts on the homepage ; counter at 4183. 19 September 2003 Added reference to Aladdin preview article to homepage; created Aladdin preview article page; counter at 4073. 18 September 2003 Added Crime Story/Fracture update; counter at 4042. 10 September 2003 Added Jennifer reading of The Bach to Jennifer index page page and the homepage; created The Bach page; counter at 3904. 7 September 2003 Added link on the homepage to Marlene information on The Edge website; counter at 3822. 5 September 2003 Put announcement of the Marlene cabaret on the homepage; counter at 3786. 31 August 2003 Added Marlene cabaret to Jennifer index page; added info about Marlene cabaret to Marlene page; changed Sisters Are Doing It to past tense and added info about event to Sisters Are Doing It page; changed to past tense on Jennifer index page; Twankey pic rotation continues on homepage; counter at 3646 20 August 2003 Added Sisters Are Doing It to Jennifer index page; added Sisters Are Doing It page; added Jubilee page (with info on imminent release of Jubilee on dvd in the UK) and Jubilee review page; Twankey pic rotation continues on homepage; counter at 3390. 11 August 2003 Removed Ladies' Night from Future Projects page; began daily Twankey pic rotation on homepage; counter at 3178. 10 August 2003 Added Aladdin article from Metro, including excerpt on homepage; site now listed at Hercules World Order; counter at 3163. 9 August 2003 Completed Lysistrata page; counter at 3152. 5 August 2003 Site now listed at World-of-Celebrities; counter at 3032. 4 August 2003 Removed Lysistrata from the homepage; created Lysistrata page; replaced Hamlet pic on homepage with Twankey pic; put independent link (not part of Hamlet picture caption) to Hamlet page on homepage; counter at 3020. 2 August 2003 Added link to Ticketek for Aladdin to homepage; counter at 2976. 1 August 2003 Added Listener review and NZ Herald Ophelia article to Hamlet page; updated links on Hamlet reviews pages; counter at 2964. 31 July 2003 Changed Lysistrata to present tense and added "sold out" note on homepage; completed Hamlet page; site now listed at fansites.com; counter at 2915. 25 July 2003 Re-formatted all remaining pages to install logo graphic (with link to homepage) and adjust font size.; counter at 2816 24 July 2003 Added interviewer's name to homepage and Lysistrata interview page; added internal links to this page; linked logo on this page to homepage; counter at 2787. 23 July 2003 Added schedule of performances, ticket prices, etc. for Aladdin to homepage; counter at 2772. 19 July 2003 Added remarks about Lysistrata from pre-Hamlet radio interview; counter at 2700. 18 July 2003 Began replacing text in Sand font (which many computers do not have) with graphics so the site looks like it's supposed to on all systems. Work completed so far on homepage, Aladdin reviews, and this page; counter at 2672. 16 July 2003 Put Lysistrata and Aladdin on the homepage; created page for the Aladdin reviews from 1996; created Hamlet page (under construction); counter at 2631. 10 July 2003 Added NZ Herald review of Acis and Galatea; changed Acis and Galatea to past tense; changed Hamlet to past tense; much additional work to be done over the next week to revise homepage and create Hamlet page; counter at 2560. 2 June 2003 Added Sunday Star-Times review of Hamlet; counter at 1880. 27 May 2003 Added picture and caption to Hamlet review page; counter at 1787. 26 May 2003 Added Shortland Street to "Recent Projects"; corrected typos on "Future Projects"; counter at 1770. 25 May 2003 Added NZ Herald review of Hamlet; added Acis & Galatea to Jennifer index page; created Acis & Galatea page; counter at 1756. 22 May 2003 Added Aladdin info to "Future Projects" page; counter at 1699. 21 May 2003 Minor edits on Crime Story/Fracture page; put link to Maidment website back on homepage since they have *finally* updated their website and show Hamlet; counter at 1690. 20 May 2003 Added Lysistrata to "Future Projects"; added Fracture (aka Crime Story) to Jennifer index page; fixed formatting and typos on Fracture page; fixed formatting on The Man Who Has Everything, Mataku, This Is It, Andromeda, Topp Twins, and Waiting for Godot pages; counter at 1673. 18 May 2003 Added rumor denial to the Rocky Horror re-make entry on the "Future Projects" page; counter at 1625. 16 May 2003 Added page for NZ Herald article about Hamlet; put picture and excerpt from NZ Herald article on homepage (removing 1980 Laertes picture); counter at 1578. 14 May 2003 Added latest news to Crime Story page (including name change to Fracture) in "Recent Projects"; added Fracture name to "Recent Projects" index page; counter at 1551. 10 May 2003 Added Hamlet flyer to The Production page; added Waiting for Godot page; counter at 1475. 9 May 2003 Fixed the formatting on individual Hamlet cast pages; counter at 1439. 1 May 2003 Added Rocky rumor to "Future Projects" page; minor formatting corrections on "The Production" page; counter at 1186. 30 April 2003 Updated Rosencrantz and Guildenstern on cast list. 29 April 2003 Added newly-named Hamlet cast and crew; corrected some typos. 27 April 2003 Major revision to incorporate Hamlet info; revised Hamlet blurb on homepage, created "Cast and Crew", "The Production", and "Director's Notes" pages, individual cast and crew pages, and production company page. 24 April 2003 Created links on this page to all of the pages that list the web site; several corrections: writer of Rocky Horror had been listed as Tom Stoppard(!) instead of Richard O'Brien, year of Travesties had been listed as 2001 instead of 2002; tried, with limited success, to get caption text to line up on The Man Who Has Everything page (more work needed here). 23 April 2003 Added preview performance date to Hamlet info; web site now listed at celebrity-link.com; counter shows over 1000 hits. 21 April 2003 Best of Both Worlds Convention info removed from Future Projects page; Marlene page changed to past tense, moved to past projects on Jennifer Ward-Lealand page; web site has been added to Xena On-Line Resources. 14 April 2003 Minor edits to home page; added NZ Herald review of Marlene; added 22 December entry to site history; site has been Googled! 13 April 2003 Minor changes to homepage (Jennifer added to site description); Hamlet ticket price corrected; BOBW and Cult TV conventions added to "Future Projects" (which is changed to "Future Projects & Appearances"); minor changes to Jennifer index page; excerpt from Star-Times review added to Marlene page; url submitted to Xena Online Resources; "Website Update History" page created and history listed to date. 12 April 2003 Web site found to be listed in Yahoo! search engine! 1 April 2003 Created Jennifer Ward-Lealand index page and Marlene page; minor home page changes. 25 March 2003 Added latest Crime Story info (in "Recent Projects"); fixed Crime Story page text color. 18 March 2003 Added Hamlet ticket availability. 4 March 2003 Added Hamlet description info. 2 March 2003 More "Recent Projects" pages added. 25 February 2003 Added review of The Graduate. 23 February 2003 Many "Recent Projects" pages added; counter started; site is linked from the Hercules Universe web link page and the Less Than Legendary Journeys web site. 21 February 2003 First pages of actual web site replace temporary page; first submissions of url to search engines. 12 February 2003 Temporary web page created; Janet Sella links from her Craig Parker and Auckland Adventures pages. 11 February 2003 Bought domain name--MichaelHurstNow.com is born. 22 December 2002
First got idea to create a web site to help advertise Hamlet
(HamletInAuckland.com); web site had other ideas and quickly
evolved into something far more long-term and time-consuming
(but much better potential to be useful). |
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