Notes (excerpt)
I guess you could say that I was naive to stage this show, blissfully unaware from the outset of the enormous challenges that lay ahead.
The idea to do Sweeney Todd started when I saw Lynda Milligan in The Producers in Christchurch--only playing a tiny role--but I knew immediately that we had to do this show together. Turns out it's also Stephen Sondheim's 80th birthday this year, so the stars aligned, and once I got Ross Girven signed on, that was that. Then in the six months it took to cast this show, I managed to collect and convince the extraordinary team of performers you see tonight to come along for the ride.
It's been an electric time working on this show with such powerful and insightful actors, and I'd like to thank them for such hard work and dedication.
Working on Sweeney Todd has been a real thrill--a dream, which has somehow unfurled and I have to pinch myself at times to make sure this is really happening. |

the company

Sweeney Todd with the company

Judge Turpin lures the young Lucy to a party ...

... and rapes her.

Pirelli sells his "magical elixir".

Anthony visits Sweeney's shop and reveals his love for Johanna.

Judge Turpin lusts for Johanna ...

... and tells her they are to be married.

He goes to Sweeney's shop to spiff himself up for her.

When Sweeney kills Pirelli, Mrs. Lovatt suggests a novel way to get rid of the body.

Mrs. Lovatt's pies are so tasty now, they require a steady supply of meat ...

... which Sweeney supplies.

Mrs. Lovatt dreams of a carefree future ...

... but Sweeney has other dreams.

Everyone is wanting Mrs Lovatt's pies ...

... but Tobias suspects that something is very wrong.