Licinia, cousin of rich Marcus Crassus, has negotiated an intimate encounter with Spartacus and selects a mask to insure her anonymity.

Lucretia: "Ah, Diana the goddess of the hunt. Fine choice".

Lucretia instructs Licinia to come alone-- "absent slaves or attendants"--and tell no one what she is doing.

Ilithyia arrives unexpected and, overhearing the conversation, guesses what's being planned. But she promises it will be "our little secret".

Batiatus informs Spartacus that he is to lie with Licinia.

Spartacus agrees to do whatever is required of a champion, and Batiatus tells him if he satisfies her, their fortunes will rise.

While Batiatus has sex with one of the slaves, Lucretia talks with him about the arranged liaison between Licinia and Spartacus.

Lucretia is concerned that Spartacus will have trouble satisfying Licinia, and sends Mira to him for "practice". He sends her away.

Crixus returns to training; Doctore welcomes him back: "Take note--a true champion rejoins the brotherhood".

Lucretia: "May [the gods] guide him to many more victories". Batiatus "And our purse filled by such". Lucretia: "Yes, filled to bursting!"

Ashur thinks it's also time for him to return to training, based on a promise from Batiatus. But Batiatus has other plans for him now.

Much to Ashur's disppointment, Batiatus finds him more valuable outside the arena. He wants to use his cunning to deal with Solonius.

While preparing herself for a rendezvous with Crixus, Lucretia questions Mira about her night with Spartacus.
Learning that he has rejected her, Lucretia orders her back to his bed and threatens bodily harm if Mira can't seduce him.

With Crixus, in the afterglow, Lucretia declares, "You will always be mine, Crixus. Mine alone."

Ashur speaks with Solonius in the marketplace, warning him of a threat against his life. Whose side is Ashur really on?

Ilithyia can't stop thinking about Licinia's upcoming adventure, and asks if she can have the same experience--but with Crixus.

Batiatus finds Lucretia in a rage, throwing things around the room, and asks the cause. Lucretia: "She set her lust on Crixus!"

Batiatus: "And her choice drives you into a rage?" Lucretia pauses; what can she say?: "It's not her choice, it is her manner that offends!"

Batiatus reminds her that they need Ilithyia's husband's patronage to fulfill their ambitions. Lucretia: "To rise, you would have me kneel!"

Varro attacks Ashur, accusing him of lying when says that Varro's wife and child have gone missing.

Varro is chained in a cell; Spartacus wants to know where Varro's wife would have fled "if set upon".

Mira goes to Spartacus again; he permits her to stay, on the floor, so she won't be punished for failing to sleep with him.
Mira: "Is there nothing I can do for the champion of Capua?" Spartacus: "There is one desire I would have serviced, if you are able".

Lucretia: "Mira, how did your evening pass with our champion?" Mira: "He made many demands of me".

Spartacus reveals to Varro the real demand he made of Mira--to try to learn the whereabouts of Varro's wife and son.

Training continues for recovering Crixus and the new gladiators. Crixus bests Duro easily.

Lucretia instructs Spartacus about the upcoming tryst: "You will be bedding a proper Roman woman. One far above your station.

"Heed my words that you do not offend her. Speak not a word. Nor make a sound, save one of pleasure".

Spartscus is prepared for the rendezvous, covered in gold by the slave women . . .

And hidden behind a mask.

Ilithyia awaits her gladiator, having been "well plied" with the "best wine," on Lucretia's order.

The wine and disguise have worked--she doesn't realize it is Spartacus who stands before her.

She approaches him.

He doesn't know that it's Ilithyia.

The curtains open suddenly.

Lucretia: "Apologies, Licinia. We appear to have arrived before Iithyia is finished with Spartacus".

And now they know . . .

With a shout, Spartacus begins strangling Ilithyia, and is dragged away by the guards.

Licinia, smirking, looks down on Ilithyia: "Oh, will this not set every tongue in Rome wagging!"

She laughs in Ilithyia's face. Ilithyia: "Stop laughing".

She laughs still. Ilithyia: "Stop Laughing!!" Licinia laughs on.
Ilithyia, screaming: "STOP LAUGHING!!!" She pushes Licinia to the floor and begins to beat her head against the step.

She doesn't stop until the damage is done; Licinia is dead.

Batiatus is furious: "What were you thinking?" Lucretia: "She slights me at every turn; I wished only to teach her a lesson".

Batiatus apologizes to Spartacus for the "unfortunate mistake" of putting him with Ilithyia; they agree to speak of it never again.

Ilithyia: "You said I was to lie with Crixus. Why did you give me Spartacus? Why would you do such a thing?"

Lucretia assures Ilithyia that no one will ever know what happened, and that this secret will bring them closer.

Lucretia kisses Ilithyia.

Now she is the one in control.