of Second Afterlife
Theatreview: "A piece of theatre with its heart in the right place and its head screwed firmly on! ... Both the pace of the script and the exceptional work done by both the Tango and Fight Choreographers (Jeremy Birchall and Michael Hurst respectively) make for a very quick show.".
Theatre Scenes: "Michael Hurst's fight choreography works well in the confined Basement space".
Lumiere Reader: "It's a script that requires a lot from everyone involved, especially on the production side. There's a lot of different worlds that need to be visualised, and the shifts between these need to be as seamless as the worlds need to be distinct. It's a credit to the director Leon Wadham and the design team that Second Afterlife never reveals how difficult these changes must be, and it remains an incredibly fleet, poppy and enjoyable piece of theatre". |