
Orsino (Andrew
Laing), Valentine (Brian Rankin),
Curio (Ben Kissel), Fabian (Jason Smith); photo,
David Eversfield
Orsino: "O,
when mine eyes did see Olivia first,
Methought she purged the air of pestilence;
That instant was I turned into a hart,
And my desires, like fell and cruel hounds,
E'er since pursue me. How now! What
news from her?"
Viola: "Know'st
thou this country?"
Captain: "Ay,
madam, well; for I was bred and
Not three hours' travel from this
very place."
Viola: "Who
governs here?"
Captain: "A
noble duke, in nature as in name."
Viola: "What
is his name?"
Captain: "Orsino."

sailor, sea captain (Charlie McDermott),
Viola (Tandi Wright); photo,
David Eversfield

Rachael (Esther Stephens), Olivia
(Jennifer Ward-Lealand), Malvolio (Paul
Barrett), Maria (Jacques Drew), Feste (Oliver
Driver); photo,
David Eversfield
Olivia: "What
think you of this fool, Malvolio? Doth
he not mend?"
Malvolio: "Yes;
and shall do till the pangs of death
shake him; infirmity, that decays the
wise, doth ever make the better fool."
Feste: "God
send you, sir, a speedy infirmity,
for the better increasing your folly! Sir
Toby will be sworn that I am no fox,
but he will not pass his word for two
pence that you are no fool."
Toby: "How
now, sot!
Feste: "Good
Sir Toby!"
Olivia: "Cousin,
cousin, how have you come so early
by this lethargy?"
Toby: "Lechery? I
defy lechery!"
Olivia (Jennifer Ward-Lealand), Sir Toby Belch
(George Henare), Feste
(Oliver Driver); photo,
John McDermott

(Rachael Blampied), Olivia (Jennifer Ward-Lealand),
Rachael (Esther Stephens), Cesario (Tandi Wright),
Maria (Jacques Drew); photo,
David Eversfield
Maria: "Will
you hoist sail, sir? here lies your way."
Olivia: "'What
is your parentage?'
'Above my fortunes, yet my state is well;
I am a gentleman.' I'll be sworn thou
Thy tongue, thy face, thy limbs, actions, and
Do give thee five-fold blazon. Not too
fast; soft! soft!--
Unless the master were the man. Now now!
Even so quickly may one catch the plague?
Methinks I feel this youth's perfections,
With an invisible and subtle stealth
To creep in at mine eyes. Well, let it be."

[foreground] Olivia (Jennifer Ward-Lealand);
[background] Malvolio (Paul
Barrett); photo,
John McDermott

Sebastian (Paolo Rotondo), Antonio (Charlie McDermott); photo,
David Eversfield
Antonio: "Will
you stay no longer, nor will you not
that I go with you?"
Sebastian: "By your patience, no. My
stars shine darkly over me; the malignancy
of my fate might, perhaps, distemper yours;
therefore I shall crave of you your leave
that I may bear my evils alone. It
were a bad recompense for your love, to
lay any of them on you."
'O mistress mine! where are you roaming?
O stay and hear! your true love's coming,
That can sing both high and low.
Trip no further, pretty sweeting;
Journeys end in lovers meeting,
Every wise man's son doth know."

(Oliver Driver), [left front] Sir Toby Belch
(George Henare), Sir Andrew
Aguecheek (Peter McCauley); photo,
David Eversfield

Cesario (Tandi Wright), Orsino (Andrew Laing); photo,
David Eversfield
(as Cesario): "But if she
cannot love you, sir?"
Orsino: "I
cannot be so answered."
Viola: "Sooth,
but you must.
Say that some lady, as perhaps there is,
Hath for your love as great a pang of heart
As you have for Olivia; you cannot love
You tell her so; must she not then be answered?"
Olivia: "Let
the garden door be shut, and leave
me to my hearing." |

(Tandi Wright), Sir Toby Belch (George
Henare), Olivia (Jennifer Ward-Lealand),
[background] Rachael
(Esther Stephens); photo,
John McDermott |

(Jacques Drew); photo,
John McDermott
Maria: "He's
in yellow!" |

(Jacques Drew), Feste (Oliver Driver), Olivia
(Jennifer Ward-Lealand), Malvolio (Paul Barrett); photo,
John McDermott
Olivia: "Smilest
thou? I sent for thee upon
a sad occasion."
"Sad, lady! I could
be sad; this does some obstruction
in the blood, this cross-gartering;
but what of that? If it please
the eye of one, it is with me as
the very true sonnet is, 'Please
one, and please all'". |

(Paul Barrett), Sir Toby Belch (George Henare),
Maria (Jacques Drew), Fabian (Jason Smith); photo,
John McDermott
Toby: "Prithee, hold thy
peace; this is not the way; do
you not see you move him? Let
me alone with him." |
Toby: "If this were played
upon a stage now, I could condemn
it as an improbable fiction." |

Toby Belch (George Henare), Fabian
(Jason Smith); photo,
John McDermott |

Sir Toby Belch (George Henare), Sir Andrew Aguecheek (Peter McCauley), Cesario
(Tandi Wright), Curio (Ben Kissel), Valentine (Brian Rankin), Antonio
(Charlie McDermott); photo,
David Eversfield
Antonio: "Let
me speak a little. This youth
that you see here
I snatched one-half
out of the jaws of death,
Relieved him with such sanctity of
And to his image, which methought
did promise
Most venerable worth, did I devotion." |
(as Cesario):
his words do from such passion fly,
That he believes himself; so do not I?
Prove true, imagination. O! prove
That I, dear brother, be now ta'en for you.
He named Sebastian; I my brother know
Yet living in my glass; even such and so
In favour was my brother; and he went
Still in this fashion, colour, ornament,
For him I imitate. O! if it prove,
Tempests are kind, and salt waves fresh
in love."

Toby Belch (George Henare), Sir Andrew
Aguecheek (Peter McCauley), Cesario
(Tandi Wright); photo,
John McDermott
Sebastian: "What
relish is this? How runs this
Or I am mad, or else it is a dream.
Let fancy still my sense in Lethe steep;
If it be thus to dream, still let me sleep!"

Olivia (Jennifer Ward-Lealand), Sebastian (Paolo Rotondo); photo,
David Eversfield

(Paul Barrett), Feste (Oliver Driver); photo,
John McDermott
(as Sir Topas): "Sayest
thou this house is dark?"
Malvolio: "As
hell, Reverend Topas."
Feste: "Why,
it hath bay windows transparent as
barricades, and the skylights toward
the south-north are as lustrous as
ebony; and yet complainest thou of
Olivia: "Who
hath made this havoc with them?"

[foreground] Sir
Toby Belch (George Henare), Olivia
(Jennifer Ward-Lealand), Cesario
(Tandi Wright); [background] Esther
(Rachael Blampied),
Maria (Jacques Drew), Rachael (Esther Stephens),
Orsino (Andrew Laing), Feste (Oliver Driver),
Sir Andrew Aguecheek (Peter McCauley), Fabian
(Jason Smith), Valentine (Brian Rankin), Antonio
(Charlie McDermott), Curio (Ben Kissel); photo,
David Eversfield

(Jennifer Ward-Lealand), Sebastian
(Paolo Rotondo), Cesario/Viola
(Tandi Wright); [background] Esther
(Rachael Blampied), Rachael
(Esther Stephens), Antonio
(Charlie McDermott), Orsino (Andrew
Laing), Feste (Oliver
Driver), Fabian (Jason Smith), Valentine
(Brian Rankin), Curio (Ben Kissel); photo,
David Eversfield
Sebastian: "Do
I stand there? I never had a brother;
Nor can there be that deity in my nature,
Of here and everywhere. I had a sister,
Whom the blind waves and surges have devoured.
Of charity, what kin are you to me?
What countryman, what name, what parentage?"
"A great while ago the world began,
With hey, ho, the wind and the rain;
But that's all one, our play is done,
And we'll strive to please you every day."

(Oliver Driver), Fabian (Jason Smith); photo,
David Eversfield |